In September 2019, the Massachusetts Appeals Court issued the final ruling in a litigation that spanned more than five years and included a resounding victory for TSH&D’s clients, Transwestern RBJ and Perishable Management Services. As lead counsel in the jury trial in Massachusetts State Superior Court in Transwestern RBJ et al. v. American Pride Seafoods et al., Steve Torres procured a verdict for the firm’s clients in October 2017 of 100 percent of their claimed damages of $440,000. The jury found that American Seafoods and Highliner had wrongfully refused to pay Transwestern and Perishable their brokerage fee arising from the sale of a seafood processing plant in Gloucester. As the jury also found in the clients’ favor on their Chapter 93A claim, the jury doubled the damages and the court awarded Transwestern and Perishable their attorneys’ fees and costs. Steve successfully defended the judgment on appeal and the jury verdict, including the award of attorney’s fees and multiple damages, was affirmed. The final judgment exceeded $1.6 million. In September, the Appeals Court also awarded the firm’s clients all appellate fees. The defendants satisfied the judgment in full.